All our works are handcrafted, for this reason we don’t use standard treatments on the surfaces, but we customize every finishing.
The choice of the finishing type and its execution depend on different factors, such as the used material and the type of the realized manufacturing, the customer taste, the style of the location in which the work will be positioned or placed, the intended use of the work, how much it is carved and decorated. Therefore, the project together with the historical period to which the product is inspired, will determine the treatment that will be applied.
The following special finishings are completely handmade through the use of manual processes and of natural products, such as the beeswax:
In addition we also realize a series of finishings by machine: gloss, polished, bush-hammered, brush-effect, flamed, with splits and many other.
In the years we have specialized in the marble aging finish that we use on models which take inspiration from the ancient ones, on all the reproductions and on the copies of works of the past according to the material, to the nature of the object, to the type of use to which it could be subjected and to the destination of the work.
The aging finish is a type of treatment that makes the product similar to the ancient and aged objects, giving them a “time-worn” effect. We make a careful study of the historical aspect connected to the work we have to realize and later we adapt and customize the finishing in such a way that the final product effect is very similar to the ancient one as if it had been subjected to the human use or to the atmospheric agents. We are able to create false breaks and cracks of the product, to emphasize the aspect of time past; then, we can insert irons and pivots intentionally aged by hand using typical methods of traditional restorations. Sometimes, after the treatment, the product may be mistaken for a historical and archeological find.
In the documents that we give to the customers, we report the following declaration as guarantee of the product origin (in accordance with the Law 1/6/39 n.1089 “Protection of items of artistic and historical interest” and the Law 20/11/71 n.1062 “Criminal laws in the falsification or alteration of art works”):