Legal disclaimer: Exclusion of liability – Latest update: 01/10/2017
The website www.arte2000.it, following referred to as “website”, is an on-line information service supplied to the user by Arte 2000 Srl Unipersonale, with registered office in Viale dell’Artigianato, 28 – 31014 Colle Umberto (TV) – Vat n.: 02118810262 e-mail: info@arte2000.it, following referred to as “Arte 2000”, to promote its own activity and initiatives.
The browsing in this website is free and doesn’t need any registration.
The use of our website implies the acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. If they are not accepted, we kindly ask the user not to use the site or download any material from it.
Arte 2000 reserves the right to make changes without notice to these clauses, all changes will be immediately published on this page and will have immediate validity. Please check for updates.
Arte 2000 is at your disposal for any further information you may require at the address below.
Limitations of Use
Site contents of our Website are property of Arte 2000, all rights reserved and protected according to the applicable national and international copyright, intellectual property and industrial regulation; they can not, either in part or in whole, be copied, duplicated, modified, reproduced, published, distributed or used in any other way without prior written consent of Arte 2000; the reproduction of the subjects or parts of them is permitted on condition that the source arte2000.it is clearly and completely indicated, for purposes in compliance with the law.
The user is however allowed to view, copy, print and use extracts of the pages of our website for strictly personal purposes, please keep in mind that it is not allowed to modify them in any way and no graphic setting can be used, reproduced or distributed separately from its accompanying text.
Liability limitations
Arte 2000 undertakes to update with regular scheduling the information and the material published on the website, but it is not responsible for any error, in case of detection or advisory by third parties, they will be corrected.
The website can be modified by Arte 2000 in every moment without prior notice and with no time limitation.
All information and pictures contained in this site are for information only, they have no contractual or binding value, and they do not imply any declaration of will.
Considering the ephemeral nature of all information you can find on the internet and how fast they become obsolete, Arte 2000 cannot offer explicit or implicit warranties about reliability and accuracy of any information, opinions and points of view; and declines any kind of responsibility for direct or indirect, accidental or consequential damages, caused by the proper or improper use of the information contained in this blog.
Any message sent to Arte 2000 through the use of internet will be considered as “not confidential”, the company is not obliged to observe any confidentiality obligation. The user agrees that the company is free to use, publish or show its content to third parties and redeems the company from any legal action of third parties related to the posted material and information. We kindly ask to anyone who intend communicate confidential information to specify their nature.
Arte 2000 is not responsible for the failure to use the service caused by internet connection problems, incapacity or inability to access, for any malfunctioning of the site and for damages directly or indirectly caused by the access to the site.
The website of Arte 2000 is not vehicle for viruses or other harmful elements, but being the internet browsing insecure, you can not exclude the possibility that they can be conveyed by means of this website to your computer. The user has the full responsibility of using the appropriate tools, such as an updated antivirus, to ensure a safe browsing. This disclaimer of liability is not intended to circumvent the requirements prescribed by law, or to exclude liability for the cases in which it can not be excluded.
All trademarks that may appear on the site belong to their respective owners.
To facilitate surfing, this website contains internal hyperlinks (links), among the different pages of this site or external to other websites owned by third parties not operated by Arte 2000, and of which it has no control. The presence of these links is not intended to promote or recommend these sites nor the opinions and information contained in them; it does not involve acceptance of responsibility by Arte 2000 about the correctness of the link, the content, and the use and respect of Privacy Policies by these websites. Arte 2000 can not be held responsible, not even for contributory negligence, neither for any crime committed through these websites, nor for errors, omissions, inaccuracies or personal opinions contained therein.
By using the link, the visitor voluntarily exits our website and accepts to be readdressed to a different website, he assumes all related risks.
Prior to insert our link in your website, we kindly ask you to send a written request to Arte 2000, which reserves to decide at its discretion. Any kind of link adopted by third parties to this website must not damage the image and activity of Arte 2000, which reserves the right to request its removal in case the hosting site displays offensive contents or damages Arte 2000’s image.
The behavior among the consumers of the telematic services must be directed to a mutual respect, according to the behavior rules provided for by Netiquette so in general post, comments or interventions, which in some way can be offensive, illegal, defamatory or can damage the dignity of others, are banned. Arte 2000 reserves the right to delete and remove the post and the comments which are not appropriate and eventually it can lock out the user.
We inform you that the Blog is an online information service supplied to the user and managed by Arte 2000 Srl Unipersonale, following referred to also as “blogger”. It is included in a page of the website arte2000.it, it is not characterized by a newspaper and it is updated with no fix scheduling, it could therefore not be considered as editorial product in accordance with the Italian law n. 62 of 7.03.2001.
The browsing in this website is free and doesn’t need any registration.
The contents are visualized in unchronological order and are generally introduced by a title.
This blog, as means for public relations, has no commercial or profit purpose, it is purely conceived to inform trough its cultural and illustrative nature and has the aim of publicizing a specific knowledge about marble, and of communicating branch issues and activities of Arte 2000.
Some pictures posted in this blog are public and low resolution; if their publication violates any copyrights, please inform us via e-mail and we will immediately remove them.
Each user can freely express his personal opinion and proper comment each article posted in this blog just filling the form with e-mail address and name. All comments and information contained will be posted on the blog, indicating the name of the user. They will be published only after approval by the blogger.
The above mentioned form is not meant to be used to send confidential messages, private communications or any info that is not meant to be posted from Arte 2000.
Arte 2000 will make all possible efforts to moderate, to prevent the publication or to delete without notice and at its unquestionable decision, all comments sent to this site that might be offensive or that can in any way cause damages to third parties or to the image and reputation of Arte 2000; comments not relevant to the subject, containing confidential information or private data of third parties, contrasting the privacy policy, will we handled the same way. Arte 2000 would like to point out that including but not limited to defaming or vilifying messages, racist or class comments, spam, advertising, propaganda or sects or terrorism tributes will not be posted or in case immediately cancelled.
In any case, regardless of what stated above, any liability directly or indirectly arising from the content of the message posted by third parties or in any case not from the blogger directly is to be charged to the author of the message itself, this means that the blogger declines any liability which is not expressly mentioned by the current law.
The blogger is in any case at your disposal to cancel, on request, any kind of private information, data or message posted in the blog by third parties.
Terms and conditions of use are governed by the Italian law. This legal disclaimer is originally written in Italian language. In case of discrepancy between the original Italian text and the present translation, the Italian version will prevail.